We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


From This Vantage Point

For the (fictional) series, "Edges".
Her Voice 

From This Vantage Point

Under the bluff, where the breakers
froth on black rocks, reaching up
with long white splashy fingertips 
to bump and nudge the cliff, there's a beach 
hidden from above by the overhang,
where he used to strum and warble. I,
with luck, might be allowed to listen
as long as I kept quiet – no sudden, careless
movements, let alone ecstatic murmurs.
Just silence; only stillness … in the lustrous
light of mid-afternoon, or just before
sunset. I can muster up those memories
readily; others are less willing to return,
even of brother and cousins. But I recall 
all of us in the tray of the truck, while thunder
came closer and the young uncle we all adored
drove in wild, slippery arcs off the sand to home;
the littlest afterwards going blubbering to mother.


  1. I can SEE it, remembering outings with uncles and aunts and cousins when I was a kid. Very cool poem.

  2. What a wonderful reflection - memory. Interesting, isn't it, the things we remember and the things we forget.

  3. "Just silence; only stillness … in the lustrous / light of mid-afternoon, or just before / sunset."...Love the meditative tone here. Beautiful.

  4. picture perfect in words - I too felt like one of the listeners, so sad when he drove off in these wonderful lines
    " wild, slippery arcs off the sand to home;"

  5. Such gorgeous descriptions in this one, Rosemary!💞

  6. I like to think that reading this that you perhaps were the littlest overwhelmed by that experience of something so beautiful.

    1. I was the oldest cousin, and also the oldest if the neighbourhood kids. Not a good position to be in. If anything went wrong, the grown-ups would say afterwards, 'You're the oldest. You should have known better.'

  7. This poem a great vantage on that memory, Rosemary. Rinsed in the eternal resonance of the sea.

  8. This took me back to summer days of childhood, spent with cousins. I especially love those long white splashy fingertips.

  9. I, too, adore that young uncle right now. 😊 Very vivid moment--I was thoroughly transported.

  10. Much enjoyed too, very much, read it thrice to savour the rich descriptive words and the wonderful memories. Yum!
    Anna :o]

  11. I adore the image of that hidden beach... brings back memories of outings of my childhood... we all need those "secret" places to seek

  12. Summer memories - I remember summers with cousins and brothers and best loved uncles! Thanks for the reminder and this fun outing.

  13. I can see me as part of this wild crow, exploring and experiencing, wondering about the blubbering babes (since I would be too young in my fun to understand anything but my own joy).

  14. There is something so delightful and innocent here--One to savor!

  15. I loved this....."Just silence; only stillness … in the lustrous
    light of mid-afternoon...". Great descriptions!

  16. Amazing images! It both brings me up to the edges of the scene itself and reminds of family afternoons years ago.

  17. Great! Brought back many memories of my children in the back of my pick up truck.

  18. What a scene preserved in time. Makes me feel nostalgic.

  19. What a beautiful memory. And I loved your imagery of the waves and the rocks. Well done!

  20. Great being with cousins and nephews. An unforgettable experience for whatever occasions


  21. Oh this is beautiful, Rosemary. The opening lines are so vivid, like a photograph or a tenderly painted picture - I love '...reaching up
    with long white splashy fingertips
    to bump and nudge the cliff'
    - and then you disclose that this is a precious memory, so well wrought.

  22. it's difficult, to hear good music and unable to make a noise. :)
    enjoyed reading this.

  23. Such a beautiful memory! And what a lovely 'linger-worthy' piece! Wonderful lines that will, surely, strike emotive notes in those of us … who grow up in the joy of an extended family.


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