We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Leaving Singing

For the (fictional) series, "Edges"
Her Voice

Leaving Singing

The one who is missing,
the one we are missing,
sang her song of goodbye
quietly, before dawn
when no-one else was awake to listen –
except one, and he, misunderstanding, 
thought it a piece of flim-flam.

Did she finish, or simply
trail off, unwilling to utter 
the final words, reluctant
to fill the space with anything
so irreversible? Did she perhaps
catch a glimpse of that one
dismissive listener, and quail?

No, it was just 
that her prison doors opened
at the moment her song began,
and so her spirit lifted
off and up, out of the body,
immediately: the song's completion
hidden, beyond the veil.

Linking to Poets United's Poetry Pantry #413


  1. Completion...of a phase of existence...perceptively and kindly written of here

  2. Oh my goodness, this is so beautiful I wish I had written it. I LOVE this, Rosemary. How absolutely wonderful a poem this is.

  3. I LOVE this poem, Rosemary, love the idea of the doors opening and her spirit lifting out of her body - completing her song beyond the veil.....very cool.

  4. So much to explore here..an intriguing dialogue

  5. The repetition of missing in the opening lines is effective as it takes me straight to the heart of the poem. I'm intrigued that 'no-one else was awake to listen –
    except one, and he, misunderstanding,
    thought it a piece of flim-flam'.
    Was he the one she wanted to hear her?
    So sad that 'the song's completion [was] hidden, beyond the veil'.

  6. How so much waits for us behind the veil. Such a spiritual piece of writing.

  7. Ah, it's interesting in how it tackles a lonesome parting, but since it's an escape from the prison - perhaps it is comforting and the unsaid final words are better left so.

  8. This is stunning both in words and image 💜 I could sense her release into a better place near the end. Sigh..

  9. I can relate to this poem, Rosemary, as there has been several times that this was me.

  10. A wonderful song of release Rosemary.
    Also, thank you for educating me! I wondered at your use of quail, thinking it only a bird. I googled, and now I know!
    Anna :o]

  11. I am somewhat reluctant to see beyond the veil. That is I suppose because I am fearful that there will be neither storm nor teacups there but rather a warm place! As for words I think I have gabbled enough in my poetry to rule out that necessity.

  12. I love the fleeting feeling of that song... the key to a freedom that he didn't really understand?

  13. Wow! That is how the song goes, perhaps an allegory for life. This is my favorite of yours, rosemary! My new favorite. It breathes!

  14. Perspectives are of much importance, when it comes to ending... How wonderful it would be, if we could be like this narrator, if we could know the whys behind the things that affect us, if we could hear all the songs that matter... from beginning to end.

  15. I love the mystery of this, and it leaves me wanting to know more! Lovely writing.

  16. Enjoyed the way the last stanza lifted and re-focused the song on the singer--almost carrying it away from me as a reader as well but still leaving a sense of peace.

  17. I love the way in which you have imbued this piece - which, for me, speaks to spirituality and transcendence - with a stunning (and really, quite visual) image. Wonderful writing!

  18. her spirit lifted
    off and up, out of the body,
    immediately: the song's completion
    hidden, beyond the veil.

    Leaving reality into the after-life no more wonderful partnership together but great memories to remind of good times past. Poignant take Rosemary!


  19. How often do we misunderstand and think that something is merely a piece of flim-flam? I shudder to think! May we all be more understanding and less judgmental of the efforts of others.

  20. Even though song perhaps is more of a metaphor.. to leave while singing goodbye would be quite the way to exit prison doors.

  21. I dont' understand your poem...but I liked it anyway. I interpreted it as someone dying and the other did not take her seriously so she left by suicide.

    1. Not what I had in mind, but could be seen that way.

  22. A beautiful ode to your friend's passing Rosemary

    Thanks for dropping by my Sunday Standard this week

    much love...

  23. This is so beautiful and heartfelt Rosemary. It really hits home for me right now.

  24. Hidden, Indeed... what a confession! ***** (five stars)

  25. aww, your lovely poem reminds me of a friend we once knew, perhaps we didn't understand her, or didn't pay enough attention, and one day she just left us, without a word.
    i am enjoying the stories you are writing. :)


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