We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


The Message

For the (fictional) series, “Edges”.
Her Voice 

The Message

Whether listened to or not,
whether valid or not,
whether lost or ignored –
the intended meaning was happy.

Was it met with fear or mere distaste?
Indifference or pandemonium?
I'll never know why this loud silence
occurred, gradually turning joy rancid.

Impossible to tell, from here,
if the reaction was vehement or vapid.
No evidence either way. 
All I can know is, I'm cactus.

I have no choice but allow
the whole thing to die and calcify.
For the rest, I can be what I like. 
So – not heartbroken; rambunctious!

Outwardly at least I appear unaffected,
if occasionally a little distant, a trifle flat.
The only way forward is forward.
But oh, the inner turmoil is savage.


  1. Relationships are so very complex. Sometimes the most well meaning comment or gesture is interpreted the wrong way, and we unintentially turn out to be 'cactus' rather than a rose. Been there!

  2. Hah, this strikes a chord. I really like "I'm cactus" and "the only way forward is forward".

  3. "gradually turning joy rancid."

    Luv the imagery here, cleverly written

    much love...

  4. The heart is a fickle fiend. No matter how hard we try to hide our feelings .. anger, love, regret perhaps a bit of resentment.. it always gives away a hint on our face to the outside world. I m quite enjoying your fictional series! 💞

  5. All I can know is, I'm cactus... what a terrific line. Does a cactus realize it is prickly. Does it realize why... what a line of thought!

    1. I'm afraid you give me too much credit. See my comment below.

  6. What a great poem - I loved every word

  7. Loud silences are the worst kind... Well said. ♥

  8. Nothing is worse than realising you have made a grave error of judgement except perhaps lingering too long when an earlier decision would be wiser.

  9. I feel that all can be lost in translation...
    maybe more is misunderstood than simply vicious

  10. Hmmm, perhaps 'cactus' used in this way is an Australianism. I had imagined it would be known across the English-speaking world, but comments suggest some of you find it original. It's a slang term for stuffed, rooted, had it, kaput, ratshit .. to use other slang terms which may or may not be peculiarly Australian.

  11. I felt your frustration and hurt...and the way we all put on masks to conceal the pain caused. Beautiful!

  12. Oh that is life isn't it....many times the turmoil is there but if we don't move forward we are doomed! Love the inner dialogue....sounded vaguely familiar to me, sadly!

  13. The last line tells all.
    I once gave a colleague what I thought and still believe was a well-deserved compliment - and she went wild in that unknowingly I had insulted her, I still don't know how.
    I found myself apologising and all seemed well - but inside I was seething.
    Anna :o]

  14. ah. I thought of cactus as...cactus! thorny and full of water, as in the American plant. But, the last line of this says it all. The inner turmoil of the end of a relationship is truly savage. Well put.

  15. I know ell that inner turmoil and how savage it can be. It's exhausting.

  16. love the way this makes me want to know more, to know what happened and why

  17. Beware the loud silences...and now I know the slang term 'cactus'...the 'shrugging of shoulders' remainder of the poem makes sense. It speaks relationships to me....inner turmoil and such

  18. "I'll never know why this loud silence
    occurred, gradually turning joy rancid."

    Oh that is powerful!

  19. Yikes! Well done! Terrifying~ : )

  20. 'All I can know is, I'm cactus'- I know that feeling and the inner turmoil!

  21. The only way forward is forward.
    But oh, the inner turmoil is savage.

    There are many things within or along the way to stifle progress. It is to be expected!


  22. The only way forward is forward. I guess we've all had to face this truth, but the inner turmoil really is savage. Love your choice of words, even if cactus has a different meaning for many of us.


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