We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


A Troubled Relationship

 A Troubled Relationship

You’ve been out of my life now

for years already, but your voice

keeps telling me things in my head,

not from the bad times but the good –

when you were my pal as well as

my youngest. I like to think

those times were true (they felt 

and still feel true) but I know

not to reach out, not to attempt

in any way to go back, because

that boy is gone, and that young man,

long gone, and you don’t hear him now.

Written for Weekly Scribblings #60 at Poets and Storytellers United.

(Yes, I do mean the last line as as written.)


  1. Sometimes those voices come back to haunt us, even after many years, and they use the good times to prey on us. Better to ignore them.

  2. They DO grow up don't they, sad when they OUT GROW us though.


    much love...

  3. Children, other relatives and friends all move on doing their own thing. Lucky are those who are still in contact with each other but each of us have our own lives and commitments.

  4. This childless (I prefer "child-free") old geezer can still relate to this fine work; hears his own gone-by voices, lament their loss (his deafness?). Great work, Rosemary!

  5. That *is* very sad and it's a reality that is affecting many people these days, for one reason or another.

  6. A poignant recount of a mother's heartache. Well penned.

  7. This is heartbreaking, especially the closing line--figuring out that the best version of someone we love is gone, not just for us but unavailable for themselves, really hurts.

  8. Oh my goodness. Some voices never ever fade even if they're gone.

  9. Blood is thicker than water and so is chicken soup. A not uncommon reality in a world where the first consideration and obligation are to self alone. Sad but real.

  10. My ex used to haunt me until we sat together on the second church row when a granddaughter married. She wasn't the person I was dreaming about, I didn't recognize her before the ceremony until Mrs. Jim told me who she was. I have not dreamed about her one time since. Yes, they are gone, we don't have them anymore. You told that well, Rosemary.

  11. A heartbreaking reality. My brother and I, who were very close in childhood, are somewhat estranged at this point. We're civil to each other but not close.

  12. I love the candor and honesty in your poem .... it was a privilege to read it.

  13. I'm grateful for all your thoughtful, caring comments.


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