We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Never Say Never

 Never Say Never

A cat’s advertised, needing a home. I’m surprised by sudden longing. I said ‘No more’ after my last darling died. I realise – two years of processing the grief; now I’ve become lonely.

L phones just then. ‘Quick!’ I say, ‘Talk me out of this.’

Instead, she says, ‘M knows of a beautiful cat needing a new home. Otherwise she’ll be put down.’ 

(The cat in the ad was safely in foster-care.) I phone M. Then I phone the cat owner, and arrange a ‘let’s see’ visit. 

We click! We have things in common including our ideas about cat care. The family must move; there’ll be no room for Poppi. She needs her own zone: she hates and attacks their other three cats. Or she needs to be someone’s only cat. They’d rather put her to sleep than let anyone have her who wouldn’t look after her properly.

Poppi is 9, Burmese, sable coloured (dark brown that looks black to me). She is very deaf, very affectionate, and she’s a completely indoor cat. Owner explains, Burmese are too fearless for their own good so must be kept in. That suits me. I don’t want her out killing birds, or being killed by a snake.

I visit three times over two weeks so she gets to know me. At the first visit, I say, 'I'm in!' The owner does too. Poppi indicates she likes me. I let her come to me, as you do with cats. She becomes progressively more affectionate.

‘Bring her to me on the 13th,’ I say. ‘I’ll have four days free then to be with her.’ They bring all her toys and paraphernalia, some of her favourite foods, various instructions, her papers, their own palpable grief … scoop her up in one last hug, then leave quickly.

She has a good explore, then politely tells me it's her dinner time by going to her water dish and looking up at me expectantly. After dinner she settles in the bed atop her giant scratching post, parked by the window.  She welcomes my strokings and scritchings. 

Next morning she lies on the floor, stretches, turns over, asks for a tummy rub. I oblige ecstatically – such a sign of trust!


369 words written for Poets and Storytellers United's Weekly Scribblings #61: Starting a New Relationship


  1. OOOH, So cute! Feeling so happy for you Rosemary. She'll definitely kill loneliness :)

    1. Thanks, Sumana. I'm feeling happy for myself, too!

  2. Awww...A perfect union on 1st meeting. Wonderful tail tale.

  3. I so get this, Rosemary. When Luna’s mother, Tosca was killed, we felt that we could never replace her, but when we saw how lonely Luna was, I went straight to the Cats protection people in our village and Mojo walked straight up to me – and we have never looked back! I am so please you have found your new friend and that she is settling in. Poppi is beautiful. You two are going to have a wonderful life together.

    1. Yes, I feel so blessed. We are already enjoying each other very much.

  4. Ha ha. From reading your blurb above earlier this morning I thought you had ferreted out another human friend. Yes, she will be a nice companion for you. Our daughter had her Amber cat, rescued by her friend but who could no longer keep her. Then when our daughter's work had her sent to London, lasting five years for her and family, WE HAD THE CAT. Her words, Amber is so very old, she could not take a hard move like that. At any rate, Amber lived to within a few months of our daughter's return to the U.S.
    We too had decided to not have more pets due to our ages and fear of them tripping us for a fall. Wev'e fallen on our own though. Yes, broken bones too.
    Thank you for this nice writing suggestion.

    1. My son was afraid Poppi might be a tripping hazard for me – but as she is so very deaf, I am extra vigilant about where she might be at any given time.

  5. For this prompt I never had a cat in mind but when I read this story I find it a great act of kindness and most rewarding. Hope you both have the best of time.Amen

    1. Yes, rewarding indeed. She is proving to be very good for me.

  6. Precious Poppi .. and Rosemary as well for embracing motherhood ,... again.

    1. Ha ha, I was SO sure this would not happen again. It has happened at the right time, with the right cat.

  7. So glad you have one another, what a wonderful connection made so quickly and affectionately. Poppi is very lucky to have found the perfect partner.

    1. She seems very happy about the whole thing; is very loving. I feel I'm lucky too.

  8. She is really beautiful. It is always good to have a pet at home.

  9. What a great story. Poppi didn't seem to need much time at all to feel comfortable around you. Such a sweet girl. I'm happy for you both. I also have a longing to have another cat but my boyfriend has two dogs...maybe someday.

    1. Well, dogs are good too – but I hope you do get your wish some day.

  10. Aw! After my first corgi Faye died, my husband and I thought we would wait at least a year if we ever decided to get a new dog. It took me finding an ad about a rescued corgi needing a new home for us to change our minds. I'm glad we did! Kit is a wonderful fit for our family.

    1. It seems the right ones come along at the right time.

  11. Awesome story I'm so happy for you and Poppi. She's beautiful!

    1. Yes, and she's an absolute darling. I'm so blessed.

  12. Sweet Rosemary. We just lost our ShihTzu Edgrrr a week ago. Far from the end of grief here, but really happy for you... 🙂

    1. Ah yes, grief takes its own time and can't be rushed. And yet, as the price of love, it's one we choose to pay. I'm happy for me too, to have been blessed with a new companion at this point – and I feel for you. New animals are loved in their own right and do help to heal the heart – but the past loves are never forgotten, never cherished any less.

  13. Not at all surprised that you caved in to this beautiful, affectionate
    cat. Enjoy Poppi!


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