We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


I Pray to Bast

I Pray to Bast


of cats and people

please look after me –

so I can look after 

this sweet creature

who has come into my care.

Don’t let her dig her tiny claws

too sharply into my skin,

even when it’s only to hold on.

Let her know I’ve got her!

I’ll cradle her gently but firmly. 

I won’t let her fall.

Tiny though she is 

she has been a queen,

matriarch of many kittens.

Now she has retired 

from motherhood, but not 

from being imperious.

Astonishingly, she trusts me –

even allows me affection.

Keep me worthy of this, I pray.

Allow her to know that I know

what is safest for her here 

in my home, now hers.

Help me, please, to understand 

her voiced commands

her body language

her meaningful stare.

Help me turn power struggles

into cooperation.

Meanwhile I rearrange

tools and objects to give her

a path across the heights

of our living space.

(She likes to climb. I like 

her being able.) 

Mother-Protector Bast,

thank you for your wisdom

and agency, bringing us

together, here and now

in our good maturity,

in ways that are right for cats. 

To be shared with Poets and Storytellers United via Weekly Scribblings #64: Beloved Companions.


  1. I love the affection and trepidation in between the lines. She seems to be quite a force to be reckoned with.

    1. Oh, it hasn't taken her long to get me almost trained! LOL

  2. Considering what a tremendous steward you've been of Her creatures in the past, I think Bast is very well disposed to listen. <3 I love the tenderness and respect towards Poppi and what she needs in this piece.

    1. That's a good thought, Rommy, thank you. I guess I might indeed have some credit with Her, come to think of it. My credit with Poppi seems to be quite good, too, I'm glad to say.

  3. Enjoy your new Poppi


  4. A perfect feline prayer to share, Rosemary! This is one to keep above my desk. It is indeed astonishing that our cats trust us and give us affection, and I can’t imagine life without them.

    1. Oh, I'm tickled pink to think of you keeping this above your desk!

    2. What a wondeerful companion you've found, Rosemary. I'm happy she beings you such pleasure.

    3. She really is a dear little thing and very cute. It's hard to remember she's all of nine years old.

  5. A cat owned me once. I haven't been possessed by another since. (I give/get all the adoration I can stand from My Beloved Sandra)
    Wonderful adoration, R.

    1. And long may it be so for you and your Beloved, Ron.

  6. That is so sweet. My own three are pretty upset with me, I brought a large bouncy puppy home a little over a week ago.

    1. You did WHAT? Ha ha, I imagine they'll put him in his place at the bottom of the pecking order very smartly. (I would love a dog – and I love BIG dogs best – but haven't got the room or the energy now.)

  7. I'm g e ad for you, Rosemary, you are being cared for by the bringing of this cat. She is a very pretty cat, IF I had another cat I would like a Black or a Calico. Third choice would be a Manx cat, I am one quarter Manx.
    You have the proverbial "match made in 'Heaven.'"

  8. We were always both cat and dog people and the constant problem in winter was to remove the cat from taking the hot seat in front of the fire where he often was singed in his effort to be closer to the heat than the dog could.

    1. We were always cat and dog people too. I do love cats best but have also had some wonderful dogs in my life. Cats are easier now that I'm old and living alone in a unit with a very small yard.


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