We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Receiving, Giving

For the April 'poem a day' challenge this year, I'm writing haibun to explore and reflect on my new Tarot deck, Forests of Enchantment. 


The Star is always a lovely card in any deck: a card of hope and positivity. It’s about getting rid of old, outworn energy and letting in something new and beautiful – namely, the energy of unconditional love.

In Tarot, the light of the Star means ‘the light at the end of the tunnel’ and/or ‘the light of knowledge’.

Here it’s called Starlight, and shows elves singing to the stars. 

In the Goddess group I belong to, we all look for ways to project light into our community, and into the wider world – whether by sharing music, dance or poetry, working with dolphins, caring for the elderly, or teaching the young. When we gather together as a group we are not thinking about the Tarot; but we do visualise absorbing the light of a great star and then sending it out again from our hearts to all who need it. 

Feel free to do this too, in whatever way you care to. As far as I can see, the whole world needs it right now. 

The wonderful thing about giving out the light of the Star in this way is that it must pass through you. Therefore, you too receive the benefits. To do this simple exercise is to feel calmed and healed oneself. 

old sailors

steered all the way home

by the stars

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