We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)



For the April 'poem a day' challenge in 2022, I'm writing haibun to explore and reflect on my new Tarot deck, Forests of Enchantment. 

13 January 2023.  
I'm sharing this, months after it was written, with Poets and Storytellers United, where this week's prompt for Friday Writings #59 is '
Use the word wheels or wheel somewhere 
in your piece.'


The Wheel of Fortune shows the ups and downs of Fate, Luck, Chance, Destiny – whatever we call that. As it keeps going round, where we are on the wheel keeps changing. However, in a reading I always see it as a change for the better.

In this deck it’s The Enchanter’s Wheel – which looks rather like a big dream catcher I made for myself in a craft workshop, out of long, thin branches bent into a circle and adorned with various items which I found either beautiful or meaningful.   

Here the circle of branches (or maybe vines?) is out in the forest, suspended between trees. It’s not rotating up and down, but contains other opposites in the kinds of symbols hanging from it: ‘tokens of life and death, healing and poison, mystery and wisdom, time and timelessness.’ We are informed that these all contribute to the wheel’s power, just as all our life experiences make a whole.

This Wheel was woven by the Enchanter (the great Magician, most powerful card in the deck).Then, this text includes actual magic – real spells you could really do!  

Life, we’re told, is the great unknown, full of complexity and challenge, impossible to control or comprehend. We can find meaning only by engaging with it. This reminds me of the saying, ‘Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards’ (by the philosopher Kierkegaard). 

I used to find that obvious truth frustrating, back when I longed to know the meaning of everything. I prayed to be given that ultimate understanding, if only on my deathbed. By now, I’m happy to accept that such complete understanding is impossible. And if one did attain such a blinding flash of insight, perhaps there would be nothing left but to die? No point continuing if there is nowhere further to go. I have become enamoured of the mystery, the eternal quest – where understanding does unfold but never concludes. (What if that IS the ultimate awareness?) 

The true meaning of the Wheel is that ‘change is the only constant’.

after the storm

the sunny sky washed clean

pure blue



  1. That quote resonates deeply... I love the idea of the ultimate knowledge suspended under some canopy...while we search for a blue sky... beautiful!

  2. The wheel repeats itself over and over again. Maybe it's stationary, scenery is same o' same o". And the there's the one on the go, a different scene every revolution. Can we chose which we'll be, security or adventure.
    Rosemary, this is what your nice piece of prose told me in a nice allegory way.

  3. 'I have become enamoured of the mystery, the eternal quest - where understanding does unfold but never concludes' I absolutely love this wisdom I second that. I also think that each time we come across the same knowledge we come to understand it on a higher level.

  4. "I’m happy to accept that such complete understanding is impossible."

    Agree with you.

  5. The weather in the sun's spin cycle!

  6. What a lovely meditation on the Wheel!

  7. The moving wheel enhances further the mysterious pace of what life has on offer. It creates the feeling of anticipation to make it more beautiful. Wonderful write Rosemary!


  8. "The true meaning of the Wheel is that ‘change is the only constant’" : I so like this quote. The invention of the wheel has made possible so many many other innovations. :)

  9. The quote by Kierkegaard is wonderful and this is a wonderfully reflective poem and is perfect for the New Year ... made me think and feel.

  10. That's a lovely approach to creating meaningful artwork.

  11. Oooh how lovely to arrive at the place of such beautiful peace - knowing that all cannot be known and relaxing in letting go of the search .. I suppose that is when the wheels will stop maddeningly whirring as they are still wont to do...

    1. PS But it is not the search I have given up, merely the possibility of finding one definitive 'right' answer.

  12. I found this a fascinating piece of writing. Love the quote, and the fact that you created a dreamcatcher, something that I love.

    1. I probably would never have done it, had I not been in a group all making them – a birthday celebration for a woman who wanted to celebrate her birthday in this lovely and unusual way.


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