We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)



For the April 'poem a day' challenge this year, I'm writing haibun to explore and reflect on my new Tarot deck, Forests of Enchantment. 


The book with this deck tells us that each Ace offers us ‘a magical ally, a helpful companion’ who gives us a magical gift. The previous card showed a dragon offering a wizard’s staff. 

This one, Ace of Visions, features a swan whose gift is ‘a tiny enchanted pool in a secluded glade’ which becomes a magic mirror when the water is still. It reflects one’s desires and also one’s true self. We are assured that this is nothing to be afraid of as the true self is ‘noble, pure, and beautiful’. (Have a look at the reflection in the illustration!)

Obviously this is to do with the Water element, which is usually designated as the suit of Cups, and symbolises the emotions. Ace of Cups is one of the best cards you can get in a Tarot reading. It means joy, pleasure, beauty, love … all sorts of good things on the emotional level. It is usually one of the most visually beautiful cards in any deck.

When I was working the monthly markets, I had one regular customer who always longed to get Ace of Cups. It turned up for her quite rarely over the years. When it did, she was ecstatic – which is fitting, as the card, in the Voyager deck I use professionally, is called Ecstasy. The image is a great red rose. Roses, as we know, represent both love and beauty.

The swan, too, is regarded as an archetype of beauty. And we are reminded, here, that swans mate for life – so it's also an appropriate symbol for love.


I see my reflection

in your eyes

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