We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Sweet Solitude

For the April 'poem a day' challenge this year, I'm writing haibun to explore and reflect on my new Tarot deck, Forests of Enchantment. 


In this Tarot the Hermit is depicted as a badger in its den. Badgers are unknown in Australia, but I can relate to it if I think instead of one of my favourite Aussie animals, the wombat, which also burrows underground to create a home. 

‘Though badgers are by nature sociable creatures, there are some who prefer to dwell alone,’ says the book, explaining this choice of symbol. Google leads me to the fact that ‘Some wombats are social, while others are loners.’ Near enough. And sounds like me: I like spending time with my friends, while also needing big slabs of aloneness.

The Hermit is one of my life cards. When I studied Voyager Tarot with its designer, James Wanless, I learned how to find my life path in the cards. (I also have Death and Moon. ‘Wow, you’re so … subterranean!’ said James.) 

Part of the Voyager image symbolises going deep into ‘the cave of the self’ -– making both badger and wombat appropriate. The Hermit does this as a means of self-healing.  

‘Are you some kind of healer?’ asked James.  I said, ‘Well, I’m a Reiki Master.’ Which is to say, a teacher of Reiki healing. And that’s the other aspect of Hermit: the way-shower – traditionally depicted holding a lantern high so others can see the path. After self-healing successfully, the Hermit is able to show others how. 

The figure holding the lantern is usually portrayed bent with age, wearing a pilgrim's cloak and sandals, suggesting one who is both wise and spiritual. In this card, the badger is presented as learned and contemplative, reading by the fire. (I can only take the wombat analogy so far. Those ancient creatures have proved sadly incapable of learning the modern world, and exhibit stupid behaviour such as getting killed on the roads in large numbers.) 

My Hermit nature’s been helpful during the pandemic. I don’t hate isolation; I thrive in it. 

party games –

aside in an armchair

one child reading

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