We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Well Guarded

Poetry Month, day 8

Well Guarded

My sanctuary on the hill
is guarded by angels,
and one small cat.
We lock the doors at night
and it's all silent –
but there are some things
only she can hear,
which the dark brings.

She startles suddenly,
raises her head
and stiffens her back.
Ears alert, her gaze
is fixed in one direction.
It can't be a ghost, I know.
She dispatched them (except for
those who are family) long ago.

Prowlers would alert
the neighbourhood dogs,
and no-one's barking.
So I'm thinking not burglar
nor dog. Perhaps another cat?
There's one down the road
who might roam. Summer's done,
so I'll rule out a cane toad.

All I can hear is the faint hum
of a car on the road further down
at the bottom of the hill. This
is not the city. Cars late at night
are few. But even so, it isn't
our street, can't be a threat;
no reason at all to go on alert. 
I tell her, "It's all right, my pet."

Whatever it is, it passes.
She lies down, relaxes, 
curls on her side, lets her ears
fall into repose, so much trust she has
that we are now safe. I'm sure
she must know the angels stand guard 
while she sleeps, and I sleep.
She has done her duty. Now it's time
to indulge ourselves, dreaming deep.

Trying a new form, the A L' Arora, prompted by "imaginary garden with real toads". (The form consists of at least four 8-line stanzas, with each stanza rhyming the 6th and 8th line.)


  1. I love the poem. Ha, somehow i missed that the 6th and eighth lines were supposed to rhyme.

    1. So did quite a few others! Perhaps the way of denoting a rhyme scheme by letters of the alphabet is not well understood?

  2. Stunning write! ๐Ÿ’œ You waltzed with the form and showed us how it's done. Bravo!๐Ÿ˜ Especially love" she must know the angels stand guard while she sleeps, and I sleep." Sigh.. most definitely!๐Ÿ’œ

    Thank you so much for participating!๐Ÿ˜

  3. Much enjoyed ... thanks again :)

  4. A sleep well deserved, I think there is no way to always understand a cat, after all they are all knowing, and mystical!

  5. Oh, I loved the story. So beautifully used the form !

  6. I have a cat (one of three) that acts more like dog. Sweet poem - it is soothing

  7. It can't be a ghost, I know.
    She dispatched them (except for
    those who are family) long ago

    - I love it when cats do this - quite literally, far better than dogs, although adept as well, but it must be a feline energetic thing - so to read along and find these lines was a real pleasure Rosemary. Clearly a wonderful companion to share heart and hearth.

    Oh, and since you have access to your friend "satyapriya" - please pass along my thoughts to her - I have enjoyed her posts when she participates, but like the others, can't comment - which must be/is frustrating for all.

    1. Thanks. Yes, it is nice to find someone else who knows this about cats. (Smile.)
      I have passed on your message.

    2. thanks Rosemary, most gracious of you


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