We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


The Second

April Poetry Month, day 2

The Second

It’s the second month of Autumn
already past Equinox.
Was it Midsummer when …
no, a little after Beltane.

I never found the twin within
whom some report, only the lone
self – sufficient, however.

And out there many 
good friends and lovers
enough. Why would ...?

The charming mind, the laughter.
Either was fine rapport. Both....

For the prompt from "imaginary garden with real toads": SECOND


  1. The twin within salutes the lone self... Either and both.

  2. I like the uncertain ending, suggesting...

  3. Why indeed? This is how I converse with myself. Nicely captured!

  4. Ooh Iove the twin within theory here!💜 Beautifully deep and profound.

  5. I enjoyed the conversational tone so much.

  6. To find “the lone self” sufficient would be enough,,wouldn’t it? The question remains. I enjoyed this very much :-)

  7. this resonates with the i and i used in many of the regga songs. Luv it

    much love...

  8. That ending has left me thinking... :)

  9. Yes, I understand the hope for a twin, but the lone self is sufficient.

  10. Rosemary - I love how the reader has to read between the lines at all the unfinished thoughts and unspoken seconds

  11. I love the twin within. I have found many twins in my lifetime. It is always good to find more.

  12. So glad this one worked for you all. I wasn't sure about it - but I should have known poets are good at picking up the unsaid!

  13. Nice write, Rosemary. So we can have both and neither at the same time? Fine, you've defied the logic involved with the definitions of the two words!!! Bravo!!

  14. We have We haven't ... We live out loud as best we can

  15. Lovely poem. I love your contemplative and yet very close and natural voice. K.

  16. A wonderful presentation of that conversation with self which cycles around us throughout life, with or without twin


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