We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Changeable Weather

Poetry Month, day 5

Changeable Weather

"You've brought the sun,"
they used to say, 
when I came home
on holiday.

Every time
I left again,
they said, "Oh my,
please take this rain."

A joke, I thought.
(I was still young.)
But now the night
is dark and long

and full of storm 
when you depart,
taking the warm
light from my heart.

I understand
at last a truth
lost to my bland
ignorant youth

as your return
brings back all sun
for which I yearn
while you are gone.

Written for Take the Weather With You at "imaginary garden with real toads"

(Sadly I have had to introduce comment moderation to deal with a relentless spammer.)


  1. Yes there are people who do that to us. They light up our lives and leave us dim


  2. And Rosemary, when I read your posts, poetry or other "you bring the sun." So I believe your folk.
    Nicely written, I enjoyed reading your 'weather'.

  3. What a super response to the prompt.. who notices the weather when close to a beloved?

  4. This is wonderful... it's not the weather but the company...

  5. This is so beautiful, Rosemary!❤️ You certainly do bring the sun whenever you come!

  6. I like the simplicity of this - yet the double/triple meanings, the subtlety of layers, like pulling on a cozy sweater when the chill sets in. And I loved the self-admonishment of the 5th stanza - particularly bland youth - apt word play for colours and dull/dimness and bright sun and warmth etc. Strikingly well worded.


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