We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


First and Last

Written for April Poetry Month, day 1

First and Last

First time around
we stayed up all night
talking, laughing,
going deep.

It wasn’t meant to last;
it was meant to be
remembered always,

And it was.

This time around
was a sad mistake.  
When did we become
so scared and boring?

It doesn’t work
if we have to try hard.
Can we please expunge
the reunion?

No second chances.

The prompt at "imaginary garden with real toads" is to write a poem on "one" or "first".


  1. Well, Rosemary, this made me smile.. so true but so hard to admit, when second time around just doesn't work.

  2. So often the silence that lingers between foretells the strength of a relationship. How wise of you to state "It doesn’t work if we have to try hard."💜

  3. “It doesn’t work if we have to try hard” How true this can be. I relate to your thoughts :-)

  4. The first time sounds wonderful........disappointing when the second time falls flat.

  5. Oh geez, I really get this. Perfect (poem, not reunion).

  6. Hmmm, I really like the bittersweet tone of this poem, and the finality of that last line. Though, something in me suspects there might be a third or fourth chance too....tis the way of love and life. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I related to this and still felt sad that it is.

  8. I really understand this one. It's so hard to tell if a reunion or second time will go well. And yes, when did we become so scared and boring?

  9. Yeah, it's impossible to go back.

  10. First loves are hard to repeat as well as they can be the greatest heartbreakers

    Happy Sunday


  11. I like this Rosemary. The spontaneous, just happened are the most enjoyable events. But the carefully planned ones, sometimes our expectations are way too high.

  12. I agree with Izzy about the bittersweetness. Sometimes memories pop into your head and the first time around does seem to be 'remembered always, / deliciously'. Maybe that's why the second time around seems like a mistake. Such truth in the lines:
    'It doesn’t work
    if we have to try hard'.


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