We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


The Engagement Party

Poetry Month, day 14

The Engagement Party

Some of the guests were grey-haired,
one was a girl of 13, 
one was a babe in arms.
Some were family,
some were colleagues.
Some were Adam's mates from schooldays,
others were newer friends.
We all dressed up in our party best.

Josh's little sister,
there with her handsome husband
and cherished toddler daughter, 
was slender and beautiful like Josh himself
(who clearly adored his tiny niece).
There was Adam's bestie, Emma, of course,
his step-mum (me)
and his boss.

I ran around taking photos.
The crowd overflowed the restaurant
to gather outside in the balmy back yard.
It was Adam and Josh's favourite restaurant;
you could see that the owner and waiters
knew them not only as regulars but friends.
I was taken good care of, an honoured guest.
The nibbles were spicy, the sangria rich.

The entertainment arrived 
in a flurry of glamour. 
Big hair, lavish frocks,
full-strength make-up: 
black-rimmed, sultry eyes;
huge, red, luscious lips.
The bodies were fat and fabulous,
body language outrageously seductive.

"Hello, Yes voters," they declaimed.
(We'd just had our plebiscite 
in favour of gay marriage.)
"Because, if you're not Yes voters,
what the hell are you doing here?"
Applause, yells of agreement, laughter.
Adam and Josh didn't time it that way on purpose,
but it was a delightful piece of synchronicity.

"How old are you, dear?" they asked the teen.
"Are you here with family, or did you just 
wander in off the street?"
Polite lass, she gave straight answers
in her sweet young voice.
"You might want to get her out of here now," 
they alerted her aunt 
before starting in on their bawdiest jokes.

When the night got darker
we all crammed inside.
In a corner, a man played flamenco guitar.
We made circles and danced.
I left around midnight. The guys
sent me back to their place with friends
who couldn't stay on either. 
A kind young woman took my arm to the door.

In the morning, when I emerged 
from the spare room, bodies
were crashed out on both couches. One,
when he woke, turned out to be a chap
I'd known for years; Adam even longer.
He staggered to his feet to give me a hug.
After breakfast, Adam drove me
to catch my plane for home.

When I looked at my photos later,
a lot of them were blurry. (I guess 
I was blurry myself, after more than a bit
of imbibing.) But they showed
the spirit of the occasion: joyous.
We didn't put them on facebook.
It's still a secret from Josh's parents 
back home, hoping for something normal.

(So if anyone comments on this on facebook or other social media, please don't name names.) And here is one of the entertainers:

The prompt Eres Tu at "imaginary garden with real toads" asks us to find inspiration in a song of that name, sung on a video about a gay wedding.


  1. What a fabulous time was had by all :-) Mum's the word. I enjoyed the party,,,

  2. It must be so much fun to attend a wedding like this one!💜 I enjoyed visualizing this poem, Rosemary😊 and will be back for a second or third reading!☕

    1. Oh, this was just the engagement. They haven't had the wedding yet. But yes, it was great fun.

  3. Thank you Rosemaary for taking me along, great party!!

  4. Sooo nicely writtrn, Rosemary. This will emerge as the official party story for the engagement blast. We are going to our great-grandaughter's baby shower this afternoon. If I could write like you I'd feel compelled to write of it. We did attend the sex discovery party and on my other I wrote some. We're having a baby great-great-granddaughter.

  5. Luv the way your good time imbibing resonated the morning after photos.LOL


  6. A joyous occasion, well-captured. But so sad his parents couldnt embrace reality.

  7. Oh, what an occasion! Such a sad ending to this poem, but I'm so glad that you were there to support and love this couple and enjoy the raucous party. :)

  8. Just the engagement party! Boy, do you have something to look forward to!

  9. I love this so much, Rosemary!!! I wish I had been there. And I adore your description, very wonderful. Big smiles!!


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