We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


An Activ(ist) Poem

 An Activ(ist) Poem

This poem wants to leap and shout,

startling you with its vigour,

its rebellious fervour emblazoned

hot pink against the prevailing grey.

It wants to rush up like a sudden flame

piercing the night – or the silencing white,

the dirty, dull white of an overcast day.

This poem wants to burn bright and fierce.

This poem wants to wrap its arms 

gloriously around you, yodelling its joy.

It wants to dance with you, spin you,

run up walls and ceilings like Fred Astaire.

It wants to twirl you around and around

so that when you emerge, giddy,

you see the world in a brand new way –

to spin you so dizzy you fall in love.

This poem wants to break you open

and put you back together different,

your eyes gazing wider, your heart

strong with passion, your hands working.

This poem wants to dig itself

into the dirt, to spread like tree roots

underground, through the whole earth ...

this poem wants to heal the earth.

This poem is a cry, a fist-pump,

a rush, a stampede. This poem 

is charging into the future, praying 

that we have one, and acting as if.

Poetic Asides prompt, day 4: An active poem.

Words from skyloverpoetry: emblazon, hot pink.

Sharing with Poets and Storytellers United via Weekly Scribblings #66: All About April – because this poem was written for the April prompts, and even more because of the verdict just announced in the case about the murder of George Floyd. I wanted to share something triumphant and looking to a positive future.


  1. This is such a dynamic poem, Rosemary! It certainly got me going. I like the ‘rebellious fervour emblazoned hot pink against the prevailing grey’ and the image of Fred Astaire running up walls and ceilings made me smile. My favourite lines:
    ‘This poem wants to dig itself
    into the dirt, to spread like tree roots
    underground, through the whole earth ...
    this poem wants to heal the earth.’

  2. Rosemary, this poem is doing what it is supposed to do, remind us that in this bleak old world there is good news bursting forth. To me it has an aggressive nature in each verse. Thank you.
    Thank you too, for hosting. I like Aprils.

  3. Luv the future charge of this poem
    Happy Wednesday, thank you for dropping by my blog today


  4. I hope a solid future can be built upon this verdict. So many people of color (PoCs) weren't at all sure what the outcome would be. We've seen far too many miscarriages of justice before. I am happy he was found guilty on all three counts (though I remain skeptical that he will be given a substantial sentence).

    But there's a group in his name, along with other groups who will continue the fight for real reform. And though there is so much work to do, this one hopeful little spark has me moving a little lighter this morning.

  5. Love the passion...powerful important work.

  6. I love the feisty tone of this poem, Rosemary. The news of the verdict in the George Floyd trial is a hopeful sign, agreed.

  7. All this activity! I'm energized for the day--and the future!

  8. I certainly hope so. Sadly profit makers have no concern for such things and governments blind to the future.

  9. Love the energy here Rosemary, the piece is infectiously energetic! Just got my April poem posted, so I am late getting around to read.

  10. Jam-packed with movement and excitement!


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