We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


My Happy Ever After Story

 My Happy Ever After Story

Once upon a time –

all the long time until

my fifty-third year 

and his sixty-third, 

and of course after all

our other loves before –

we found each other.

He was handsome,

naturally, my prince –

short, white-haired

(a good head of hair)

with a bit of a tummy ...

such a pretty face, eyes 

faded but still blue.

And he was funny

and smart, loved books –

didn’t know a thing

about poetry (I took him

to a live performance 

and blew his mind) –

and our politics agreed.

He was sometimes

abrupt, always gentle,

an idealist who could be

helplessly moved to tears

by heroism, or his own

overflowing love. Often

he spoke quiet wisdom.

And so we married:

his second time,

my third. And lived

happily ever after

for the next twenty years.

(You know, despite

stubborn clashes, etc.)

Learning to be alone

took a few years more

but now, in a life

rich with memories,

in a home we shared,

full of his loving presence,

I’m still happy. Ever after.

Poetic Asides prompt for April Poem A Day 15: Write a '— story' poem (and make that the title).

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