We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


I am ...

I am Rosemary: pensive yet pungent.

I am ardent poet / sacramental healer /curious witch

lover of cats, trees and the ocean.

I am 81

and not out


A cherita for Day One of April Poetry Month, using both the Poetic Asides prompts and Kerry O'Connor's word list @skyloverpoetry on Instagram. (A cherita is traditionally untitled, but I like to use first line or part thereof to identify my untitled poems.)

Prompt: An introduction poem.

Words: pensive, pungent, ardent, sacrament, curious.

Linking to poets and Storytellers United: Writers' Pantry #65. (Apologies to those who have seen this already on Instagram / facebook.)


  1. 80's are not a bad age to be as I approach 85. I still have much to do and look foreward to as I am sure you have too.

  2. I have a pot of pungent Rosemary on my kitchen window sill, which makes me pensive, and I love the expression ‘curious witch’. Not out and regularly scoring sixes!

    1. I was indeed thinking of the scent of Rosemary with 'pungent', as well as meaning it metaphorically. :)

  3. Wow 81 and still full of life That's great Good on you Rosemary

  4. "pensive yet pungent" - beautifully mysterious, but my fave is 'not out yet.' I'd love to be able to say that if or when I reach 81. ;)

    1. My advice is to look after your body (better than I have looked after mine, which now tells me I could have done more exercise over the years) – but mainly I think it's a matter of keeping mind, heart and soul engaged.

  5. You are for sure Rosemary - and more too... I was lifted by the spirit of this statement of self affirmation this morning - thank you...

  6. Good going.
    Happy Sunday. Stay Safe

    much love...

  7. Brief, but full of the delicious juiciness and sparkle of magic I've come to know you for.

    1. It tickles me pink to think I am known for such attributes!

  8. Glad to know you, Rosemary! :)

  9. So many poetry forms I've never heard of, like this one, a poetic bio. It reminds me of Hemingway's six word memoir: “For Sale: baby shoes, never worn.” Here's one of mine: "Backseat poet; the muse is driving."

    1. I love yours, Colleen!
      The cherita doesn't have to be a poetic bio. It's just based on numbers of stanzas, lines and syllables. I should have put a link, I will now, even if belatedly.

  10. The last stanza made me laugh aloud (again). I so love those words, that gentle (and so welcomed) reminder. I do love it that our "ardent poet" remains very much in.

  11. I am / Helen / turning 80 in September / happy as all get-out to know you and your poetry.

  12. I wish I am an ardent poet when I am 81, but I am not sure how the world will be then. I love "not out yet":)

    1. Perhaps making poetry under all circumstances will enable you to retain your ardour.

  13. I love, love your introductory words. You have such a gift for saying much with few words!

  14. We're lucky you're here to share, Rosemary. Thanks. (Sorry; I'm running a bit behind with reading/commenting these days.)

    1. Your comments are appreciated at any time I receive them, Ron.

  15. Congratulations, Rosemary, and welcome to the OBE* group. I am a senior member in the club but not yet ninety. You are pretty spry for your nice age, I've been slowed down by a broken toe and will be wearing this boot eight weeks, ending June 3 or later. For now, the doctor said to not drive with the boot on, but to wear the boot all times except sleeping in bed.
    This is a fine introduction, I guess this is "Tell Your Age Day." I will then tell mine, of the bunch here who told, I am the oldest, 87 years.
    *OBE is "Over Bloody Eighty". My other Aussie friend, Merle and I were racing towards this goal, she died shortly before her birthday, I was ahead of her about a month. Odd, but Mrs. Jim and I were holidaying in the Aus. just before she died but our agenda did not allow us to visit her. I would have loved to. Her brother, Peter, who also reached this age had died about a year earlier.

  16. Really 81? Seriously? Congratulations!


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