We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Not Beliefs

 Not Beliefs

If I tell the sceptics:

My beliefs are not beliefs,

they are things I know

from my own experience,

they will say:

It is true

your beliefs are not beliefs – 

they are delusions.

Prompt #27 for April at Poetic Asides: Two for Tuesday; Believe  and/or Don't believe; write on either or both.

Also shared, much later, with Poets and Storytellers United at Friday Writings #64: Life is Stranger (and often sneakier) Than Fiction. I didn't write this piece for the (optional) prompt, but it's not unrelated!


  1. A great observation Your beliefs are not your beliefs :)

  2. They "believe" that your beliefs are delusions. Must avoid the "they" people - but it's hard, very hard to!

  3. Skeptics can certainly muddy the waters and many are intractable. :)

  4. True, Rosemary, when we get too far off the norm people talk, perhaps even saying that we have delusions.

  5. I wish I could say I didn't understand where this was coming from. But lies look terrible on me. Some people are just so trapped in their "understanding" of everyone else's realities.

  6. History has many examples of that, and wars have been fought over it.

  7. So true. Keep away from the skeptics (if you can).


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