We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


The Wonderful

For day 24 of Poems in April at 'imaginary garden with real toads' we are invited to write of natural wonders, great or small – or to 'Go bigger: tell us how all of its breathtaking design makes you catch your breath in awe.'

The Wonderful

In the soft light of morning,
the Wonderful wakes –
the sunrise filling
the lower slopes of the sky,
the tune of a magpie 
just down the road, 
carolling sweetly
with a fresh sound,
trees appearing to stretch
in the radiant air,
the edges of the mountains
in crisp outline

and in spite of all grief,
all pain or despair,
all the horrors I know exist
and proliferate …
in spite of all that,
my heart lifts, the song
pours like a blessing
across my arising,
I take a new breath
and rejoice to see this world 
wake up around me, again,
over and over, and the sun shine.


  1. YES! "The Wonderful wakes". It is how I feel about mornings, too - beauty unfolding everywhere - in spite of us, in spite of it all. The Wonder! I LOVE this poem!

  2. Lovely mood in that first stanza. "and rejoice to see this world
    wake up around me, again" perfect ending

  3. I love your Wonderful, Rosemary, and I am thankful that I see this kind of wonderful every day.

  4. It is a wonder! It is a miracle that each day still arrives and everything still rises up to the occasion of the morning

  5. Oh to be able to take a new breath and rejoice despite the pain and horror in our world is beautiful!! A most poignant poem, Rosemary! ❤️

  6. I am grateful for every wonder the day brings me.

  7. And I'm sooo glad, Rosemary. I imagine that all of Nature is chirping or clapping when they see a new day installed .

  8. What else are we to do but rise and go forth in to the day?

  9. We need such beauty to cope I think... wonderful

  10. Wonderful contemplation on the gift of the natural world!


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