We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


From a Distance

For Day 12 of Poems in April at 'imaginary garden with real toads', we are asked to write of a secret love – secret from the object thereof.  This is, um, somewhat fictional.

From a Distance

There's a fabulous light through the trees,
part cool silver moon, part warm golden bonfire, 
blended, glowing like a beacon, a tunnel 
through the vast surrounding dark.

But I don't move closer, don't let myself
be drawn into that blaze, that radiance.
From here I can see you moving, tall and proud
above the crowd: energetic, lithe, graceful.

You won't know or care that I watch,
won't feel my lustful adoration. I never
attend your frantic parties in the forest
though I long to dance all night with you.

I yearn to dance forever in your arms – 
but not as just some reveller, one of so many
willing fans. My nature is deep and solitary.
You're the star; everyone loves you.

And everyone knows the rules. You can't
give yourself to one only. Not though each
desires exactly that. You must be shared,
not possessed. In gratitude we owe you this.

As you owe all of us that spreading of your love,
which is vast enough, hot enough, in its way lasting....
But I'm not that kind, so I watch and dream
in secret. And only in dreams I slake my lust.

In my dreams you come at last to me. We're alone.
From hooves to antlers, you are splendid! I breathe 
your name: 'Cernunnos!' Your eyes burn. I'm alight.
A wild music swells. You swirl me into the dance.

Also sharing at Poets United's Poetry Pantry #446


  1. A horned god is hard to find...or something like that. What a flight of fancy!

  2. I like it, Rosemary. Do you remember the old dance halls with unattached sitting in chairs around the room? I would sit there if I came stag and didn't know anyone at the tables. Mostly guys would choose a partner from there, I don't remember a gal choosing me but I suppose. Those sitting gave the name, Wall Flowers.

    1. I remember too well being a wallflower! In those days, in this country, girls weren't allowed to do the asking.

  3. Oh how I love that he arrives in the last stanza, in all his glory with hooves and antlers.....this is a WONDERFUL read!

  4. This has a strong mythic witchy quality! The end is quite captivating. Thanks, Rosemary! k.

  5. I suspect most of us dream of a secret love. Nicely done

  6. There is a bit of dark in the light of love in this...Love it!

  7. I enjoyed the romantic witchery of this poem, Rosemary, and the play of light and heat.

  8. I love the progression, the build-up, the hopefulness, and.....at last, the dance!!

  9. I love the archetypal images and themes...This poem weaves a lovely spell. 😊

  10. Oh Rosemary this is simply glorious....and love the ending!

  11. My nature is deep and solitary... even for a God you know yourself and are strong...

  12. I learnt of a new myth through this intense poem... thank you!!!

  13. I am literally swooning right now! ❤️❤️❤️

  14. The crescendo ending is a pure delight!

  15. I don't think being caressed by a hoof is quite as good at fingers but whatever turns you on! However I give it to the narrator she must have something special! Beautiful to visualize!

    1. Good point! But he's not a centaur; he has hooved feet and antlers but the rest is human-shaped, including arms, hands and fingers. (Grin.)

  16. A good response to the prompt! i liked how the poem builds up to the final stanza.
    I thought the name could be Latin, but it turned out to be Celtic. :)

  17. Few things are as sexy and energy-giving... as wild magic we can dream and feel. Imagination can be such a lusty mistress. And thank goodness for that!

  18. I enjoyed the mythical feel to this and I do think it would be quite the dance to remember throughout time. As I was reading, I wanted to dance with the moon in the forest of my dreams.

  19. This is a wonderful - enchanted - read! Beautifully constructed, mesmerizing lines. Much enjoyed!

  20. Sometimes even the stars come down for a private show, even if it is only in dreams.

  21. What a shivery and perfect evocation of romance!

  22. I was thinking a pan pandemonium in the woods.

    1. Close! In fact I contemplated using that option.

  23. If this isn't a magical dance, I don't know magic!


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