We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Willow Girl

For Tree Mythology, day 21 of Poems in April at 'imaginary garden with real toads' we are asked to rewrite a myth or legend about a tree, or perhaps make up one of our own. Instead, I give you a true story.

Willow Girl

She plays on the swing 
her father made,
big thick ropes
and a seat of wood.

Inside a circle
of fronds, pale green,
she drifts and dreams,
curtained, unseen.

When her father
made the swing,
Willow Girl
was very young.

As she grows,
it remains her place,
her safe and private
magical space.

How could she 
or her father know
the mystery
of the sacred willow?

They never guess
the ancient secret:
in every willow
lives a spirit.

And if you spend
a lot of time
beneath a willow,
your words will rhyme.

You will become 
a poet, if you stay
long in that green light –
so they say.

Willow Girl's old
when she finds this out,
but she knows it's true:
she is a poet.

All her life
the words have been,
as once the tree,
her true companion.

To be a poet
makes her glad.
She thanks the willow 
and her Dad.

Willow Tree by Geaugagrrl (released to public domain CC0)
(You have to imagine the swing, hanging from the lowest bough.)


  1. Ah, the willow, Rosemary! Ours grew too high and tangled with the power lines that cross our garden; men with chainsaws came and mutilated her. I’m glad to say, that hasn’t stopped new growth. I look forward to a new ‘circle of fronds, pale green’, where I can drifts and dream ’curtained, unseen’. The ashes of one of my beloved cats are buried beneath our willow. I wonder if his spirit lives in it.

  2. They never guess
    the ancient secret:
    in every willow
    lives a spirit...

    I have long suspected this to be true!

  3. Oh gosh I love this on so many levels! The idea of spending a lot of time beneath a willow,
    and having your words rhyme is wonderful!! A most captivating write, Rosemary! ❤️

  4. I only remember the old man willow in the lord of the ring, and he was not a man to give you poetry... good that there are this kind of spirits too.

  5. I love the peaceful feeling of time spent under the willow. I can see the swing, and feel the spirit.


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