We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Being My Own Muse

At 'imaginary garden with real toads' in today's April prompt we are asked to write a micro-poem of 1-12 lines in response to Frida Kahlo's assertion, 'I am my own muse, the subject I know best', or to find our recurring theme.  At this point, perhaps my poetic energy is flagging; anyway I have resorted to something bordering on doggerel and can't get interested in improving it or starting afresh.

Being My Own Muse

'Rosemary never 
has a good old gossip,'
one complained. 

'No, she tells you
how she's feeling,'
a friend explained.

And so it is, I discern,
when it comes to 
questions of art.

Regardless of subject, 
my poems reflect, always,
the state of my heart.


  1. Perfect, it is the question I would ask, "the state of your heart?"

    1. And indeed, wise woman, that is the perfect question to ask!

  2. I love the rhythm of this poem. I can hear and see in all of your work that “my poems reflect, always, the state of my heart” ❣️

  3. Your poems always reflect your mind, heart and the kindness of your soul, Rosemary ❤️

  4. That's interesting because....I've had long complaining discussions with other poets about how everything is NOT about the author, necessarily. However, will say that the poems I like the best, usually ARE the author's personal truth.

    1. Remembering that truth doesn't necessarily reside in mere fact.

  5. A friend once complained of me that I never gossip.. I took it as a compliment!

  6. A muse like that you can always trust.

  7. Yes they do. You and I often bare what is going on with us

  8. Yes, that muse is one who can lead, and one you can trust. Mine too often doesn't know where to land.

  9. "My poems reflect, always, the state of my heart." That line, and this poem, are perfect. My poems do, too.

  10. I like that idea of using one's own name, being one's own muse..

  11. I love to hear the latest gossip. I sometimes ask for it from a friend in the know.
    Generally my writing here will likely have originated with my thinking but then I go from there with my imagination .

  12. You are your perfect muse, knowing your heart well.


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