We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Miserable Weather

Miserable Weather

During this frantic 
yet doleful week, 
oppressed by the illness
in our desperate world,
I turn to my home 
and the warmth within —
indeed, doing exactly
as we’re told: staying in.

Moment to moment
perceptions change.
Just at present it seems 
easier on the inside.
The melancholy rain
and the wind’s rage
make home a sanctuary
rather than a cage.

I’m liking my couch,
my books, my TV,
good food when I need it,
and comfortable clothes.
I talk to my friends
by video or phone,
facebook or email —
I am not alone.

The moody moon
cannot be seen
in our southern skies;
it’s thick dark out there.
But I pour myself a nip
of Stone’s Green Ginger Wine.
settle into my slippers, 
and decide I’m just fine.

This poem is doing double duty for Sanaa’s prompt, Pathetic Fallacy, in Weekly Scribblings #14 at Poets and Storytellers United, and also Sanaa’s prompt, L’Arora, for April 2020 day 8 at ‘imaginary garden with real toads’.


  1. I'm not doing too bad with the stay at home part either (it's the "How many will die?", "Will people I love be hurt?" and "What is that orange menace doing NOW to make this crisis worse, make an attempt for more absolute power, or both?" that has me anxious). My home is cozy. We have lots of books and food. I'm with my family. So in that sense, I'm OK.

    1. I guess we’re all doing the best we can, and making the best of it — but we can’t altogether shut out the dreadful reality out there. Nor should we.

  2. I love this so much, Rosemary!💝 You give voice to different moods and I enjoyed the stream of consciousness that followed suit. Especially resonate with; "Moment to moment perceptions change. Just at present it seems easier on the inside." Thank you so much for writing to the prompt!🥰🥰

  3. But of course! Wine, slippers, a moon---the elements of a perfect (though enforced) stay at home. I love the cosiness emanating from this poem, Rosemary.

  4. Beautiful really to stay at home with everything you need just around you. I'm a pluviophile; the "melancholy rain" appeals to me a lot. Thanks for that :) I'll go google Stone's Green Ginger Wine.

    1. It's the bottle with the green label. Mine says, 'Made and bottled in Australia under licence from Stones of London' and elsewhere it says that they've been using the same original recipe for 275 years. The taste and texture seem more like a spirit than a wine. It's good as the weather cools.

  5. Nothing better than the coziness of home!

    1. That's for sure! How lucky we are to have homes.

  6. Rosemary, as usual, I like this. Weather comes, we have to take it, what we get. We can feel sorry AND make the best of it. We also had mild rain yesterday. From the bottle in the fridge I sneaked a sip of "Two Buck Chuck" Trader Joe's 'Pinot Grigio'. Trader Joe's is a chain, smallish grocery stores, originated in California but prevalent here in the Houston area. I doubt you have them there, the sell mainly their own brands?

    1. No, I haven't heard of them – what great names!

  7. Yes it is slippers and thick woolly socks time soon. It is good to have a warm cosy home to hunker down in. Enjoyed this poem.

    1. I feel the cold acutely, and sooner than most, so it's already that time here for me.

  8. Love it. This poem has a very peaceful comfortable feel to it. Most of the time I feel like that as well.

  9. I'm having a bit of a struggle the past few days. I need some space, some quiet. Four adults with two daughters working from home with all the drama that creates is taxing. I need to drink with the moon. It was so beautiful last night.

    1. Ah yes, different if there are several people all confined, no doubt.

  10. Fabulous!
    Happy Wednesday


  11. Rage of storms and wind that howls your name. I'm glad you found your sanctuary, Rosemary. I believe you would find it wherever you may be.

  12. An interesting title, Rosemary, seeing as, in the UK, we have brilliant sunshine that is tempting people out of quarantine. I’m sticking to my solitary daily walk around the football pitch. I’ve got used to staying in with the cats for company and twice daily video chats with my daughter and grandson. My husband is the one who braves the outside world. It is easier on the inside, and I’m horrified by some of the stories about people’s behaviour in shops and other public places. I like the lines:
    ‘The melancholy rain
    and the wind’s rage
    make home a sanctuary
    rather than a cage.’

    1. I've been thinking how nice for Northern Hemisphere people that Spring is coming – but not if it encourages people to behave stupidly.

  13. Good to know you are doing fine, Rosemary! You rocked the form!

    1. My life is very little changed, really. I'm a bit of a hermit at the best of times.

  14. And to you??? I say a hearty CHEERS.

  15. Good that you're not affected by the 'moody' moon. An encouraging write!


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