We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Tea from the Heart

Tea from the Heart

When you serve tea to your guests, you should simply serve tea from your heart, and think about nothing more. – Sen No Rikyu

My heart has a love
of roses, and of the sea.
This tea will be rich,
fragrant, sparkling,
with a deep colour.

My heart holds
trees and mountains:
the taste and aroma
of this tea will have you
breathe deep, gaze upward.

My heart is a place
of passion and freedom.
Are you sure you can 
stomach this tea?
It’s not for weaklings.

(Sorry, Sen No Rikyu, it seems I did need to do a bit of thinking, to ensure the wellbeing of my guests!)

This is the prompt for April 202, Day 27 at 'imaginary garden with real toads'.


  1. I think you have done wonders with this prompt. It is a feast for the senses.

  2. Wowww!! This is absolutely breathtaking, Rosemary!!💘 I especially love; "My heart holds trees and mountains: the taste and aroma of this tea will have you breathe deep, gaze upward."💘

  3. Lovely, Rosemary. I have often enjoyed a cup of rose tea.

  4. Enjoyed this so much. I particularly like “My heart is a place of passion and freedom.”


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