We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Quarantine Haiku

Quarantine Haiku

waking up
to bright sunshine –
staying inside

through fly wire
handle snibbed

late afternoon
one lawnmower
behind a fence

night alone
the clack-clack
of a gecko

Written for April 2020 Day 17 at 'imaginary garden with real toads. 
Apparently April 17th is International Haiku Day.


  1. I like the progression from dawn to dusk. There is much of simple repetition in these lockdown days.

  2. I like the progression, too, Rosemary! My favourite is:
    ‘late afternoon
    one lawnmower
    behind a fence’.

  3. Love these especially; "late afternoon/one lawnmower/behind a fence." Elegantly done!💝💝

  4. Yes, Rosemary, today is "International Haiku Day." Google it to enjoy. But the foundation will not hold their 2020 iFestival that I could find in my brief search. If you find it please let me know where. Thank you.
    I like this write, like me you ended with a Senryū. Man gets heavily involved with Mom Nature, we could and should do more.

  5. Timely and evocative, Rosemary! :)


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