We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


With You In Spirit

With You In Spirit
To Toni

I know you’re on a long,
momentous journey.
I think of you often.
I’ve walked that path myself.
Still am really, just 
some distance up ahead.

I look back over my shoulder 
for you, and think, 
‘Ah yes, here she comes. 
She’s up to that place now.
I remember what that was like.
She’s doing fine.’ 

And you are — 
even though many times
you won’t think so, or even want to.
(I’m glad you were blessed
with such a husband.
He sounds very much like mine.)


  1. This brought tears into my eyes, it's beautiful, it's moving and the empathy is palpable in its support for the other and encouragement. 💘

  2. I received this lovely comment from Lillian, but apparently managed to delete it instead of publish it (well, it was late at night). Luckily I still had the email notification, so I could copy it and paste here:

    This is beautifully written. The idea that one has already passed a point on a journey that another is about to embark or is walking now. The idea is to reach out the helping hand...to encourage....yes, you will pass that point as I have done. Keep going.....keep going.

  3. Rosemary, this is the nicest encouragement note I have read in a long time. I wish her well, I hope it isn't the toni I also know.

    1. Yeppers. It is me Jim. She is referring to my husband who died suddenly this past December of myotonic muscular dystrophy. She is talking about our now mutual widowhood

  4. Such a thoughtful and comforting poem, Rosemary, sharing the heavy burden of grief.

  5. I like the narrative voice in this, very kind and empathetically spoken.


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