We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)




I‘d like to go verandering —
as Maria Sibylla Merian (such a
mellifluous name!) once claimed to do,
discovering colourful, intricate
metamorphoses of tiny creatures.

And large – that serpent entwined
around a crocodile’s tail,
curling along its length, only
to enter its cavernous jaws
which are about to close and hold….

But I think she must mean
meandering. Don’t you?

For April 2020 Day 9 at 'imaginary garden with real toads, where we were invited to be inspired by the above images – in 60 words (not counting title).


  1. I love that you focused on the Dutch word ‘Verandering’ and used it as a vehicle to explore the images, Rosemary. I like the way your poem, and Merian, meandered through the images, and the contrast of the tiny creatures and the large.

    1. Ah, didn't realise it was Dutch, and clearly had no idea what it meant. I have now looked it up and do know it means change. I thought of it like sitting on a veranda!

  2. Ohh! This is so very witty and clever, Rosemary!! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’˜

  3. Surprising the creatures one might spot on the veranda!

  4. Veranda Meandering...Sounds better than the covidness of "don't go further than the porch" Love your poem!

  5. I am glad you used the word, Rosemary. After a date with my Merian (under the bridge with Dick and Harry) I figured we could get that tail hold by the snack to be fatal to that crock. Might be my theme and drawing for tomorrow, I skipped it today for a struggle to make Scribbles with my Day 9.
    Your write was nice but I want my snake to win.

    1. Oh, I want the snake to win too! I look forward to you telling me how.


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